Volunteer at Avenues Today
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The time and talent given by the more than 200 volunteers that serve Avenues is priceless. We can’t thank them enough, and their contributions are especially appreciated by the people we serve. There are many volunteer opportunities at Avenues so you can share your skills, and enrich not only your life, but the lives of our participants.
Jolene Wise
“Why do I volunteer? Why not? I have been fortunate to have certain talents and resources and believe one should share the wealth, to “pay it forward” if you will. My life has been immeasurably enriched through my friendships and interaction with Avenues’ program participants. I am honored to have the opportunity to advocate with them and for them.”
Greg Simmons
“I find the desire to provide increased independence and improved quality of life for these individuals a rewarding obligation of society. Without volunteers and businesses stepping up through education and involvement, there is a tragic lost opportunity for meaningful relationships and positive contribution within the community.”
Here is just a sampling of the many ways volunteers can help:
- Join a committee - Help with major fundraising events, such as our annual gala, Love Affair or the Avenues Golf and Tennis Classic
- Social and Learning Activities - Share your money management and computer skills, arts and crafts knowledge, healthy lifestyle programs, or help organize a game night or other social events for our participants.
- Advocate for Legislation.- Encourage your representatives to end budget cuts and fund programs that support adults with developmental disabilities
- Thrift Shoppe – Volunteers are needed a minimum of four hours each week to help at our Thrift Shoppe. You can also support the AveVenture Program and shop the online Thrift Shoppe here: avenuesthrift.square.site
- Promote Community Employment- Contact employers you know who can hire one (or more) adults in our Job Placement Program
- Recycle - Recycling Avenue accepts small electronic items, and can set up an electronic recycling drive at offices, schools, and municipalities and other venues
- Shop Online - Use smile.Amazon.com for your shopping needs and select Avenues to Independence as your charity of choice to receive a percentage of sale proceeds from participating stores.
- Be a Friendraiser – Tell your friends and co-workers about Avenues, and bring them to one of our events
For more information on these or other volunteering opportunities, please call 847-292-0870 or fill out our Avenues Online Volunteer Application »